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MCT Managed Services

MCT Managed Services provides our customers with network monitoring, support, planning and business continuity of your IT systems. Our world class 24/7 network monitoring and management tools offer IT support to keep your system running smoothly.

Small and medium business are just as dependent on their technology as large enterprises, but cannot justify hiring their own I.T. staff. Mad City Techs MCT Managed Services program is like having your very own I.T. department for a fraction of the cost.


What Sets Us Apart From Other Managed Service Providers?

The size and direction of our company – Your company is not a small fish in a big pond rather a focal point of our staff with your best interest in mind. Location – With our office located in Monona, we are concentrating on servicing Dane County allowing us to keep our response time short while providing personalized service to our customer base. Our response time – The response time for our MCT Gold customers is kept lower by reducing the levels of escalation for an issue and focusing on the solution. No hidden fees – Our goal is to provide a one price solution so you can spend less time managing your IT contract and more time running your business.

No entrance barriers – We do not charge extra to bring your systems into compliance to fit our program, in our opinion, this is after all what you hired us for. Project work – We do not have additional charges for project work such as the addition of workstations or the expansion of your network. Our service fees are based on the number of seats associated with your company not the hours worked. Delivery of Service – World Class Managed Service software for ticketing, monitoring, remote assistance, maintenance, virus protection and reporting.

What We Provide

MCT Managed Services

­MCT Managed Services is like an insurance policy for the backbone of your business. Your fixed monthly fee covers all disaster scenarios, without additional labor charges. Your monthly IT costs will never be a surprise.

Reporting and Monitoring

Activity reports, 24/7 server, network, and workstation monitoring that allows us to rapidly troubleshoot problems as they occur.

Server Maintenance

Preventative maintenance, including vendor updates, test backups with restores, disaster recovery protection, and more. Proactive maintenance alerts us on impending issues, and allows us to advise on capacity planning and optimization.

Desktop Maintenance

Enterprise-Level antivirus and spyware protection, spam filtering, and patch management to prevent security vulnerabilities.

Business Continuity

Data backup services to ensure your company will quickly resume functionality in the event of an accidental file deletion, corrupt data or disaster scenario.

Total Coverage

Delivering IT coverage through a team approach for all your Windows and Mac desktops, servers, and network infrastructure.

Help Desk

We actually answer the phone. Access to experienced, efficient technicians over the phone, remotely, or onsite.

IT Planning

Professional, strategic technical advisers to guide your company through critical IT planning and decisions.Value-Add OptionsNo drive time charges, no setup fees, guaranteed service, after hours support included. Project work is included with all MCT Managed Services packages.

Your Experienced Technology Support Specialists

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