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Protect Your Company Communication with Email Encryption

Email plays a major role in the day-to-day dealings for most businesses, but how secure is your communication when sent through an email? Any time you are sending sensitive or confidential information regarding your company, it is important to make sure your correspondence is protected. Mad City Techs offers email encryption services that meet the highest privacy standards. Our email encryption services are secure, fast, and HIPPA certified, so you can guarantee a safe communication with all your employees and clients. The Mad City Techs team is dedicated to setting you and your business up for success. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help protect your company with email encryption.


Mad City Techs Secures Your Email Correspondence

Your email should be as secure as it is convenient. Mad City Techs partners with a leading provider to equip our customers with a secure and easy to use email encryption service. When you opt for our email encryption services, you will have the opportunity to speak with our computer and technology specialists regarding your concerns. Our email encryption services also boast the following benefits and features:

  • Secure, fast, and easy to use
  • Protects confidential information and helps ensure regulatory compliance
  • Provides delivery slip and registered mail options
  • Features centralized management
  • Enables large file attachment encryption and delivery
  • One-click encryption
  • Includes Outlook plug-in, Windows and Mac desktop agents, browser plug-ins
  • Full-featured functionality for mobile devices including iPhones, iPads, BlackBerry, Windows Phone, Android, and more
  • Compatible with Office 365

Contact Mad City Techs in Dane County to Learn More

Every time you send an email that includes sensitive or confidential information without email encryption services initiated, you run the risk of violating HIPPA and other privacy regulations. Perhaps even more concerning, is that your information could become compromised. Keep your employees and your company safe with email encryption form Mad City Techs. Contact us today to learn more and schedule a consultation with one of our IT specialists.

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